Empower Talks: A WIE & Education Series

Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/443420

Join us for an inspiring series of five talks on Tuesdays hosted by IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) and Education. This event series is crafted to guide participants through key milestones and challenges in the academic career journey, offering insights and tools to foster both personal growth and societal impact.

IEEE Toronto AGM

Archeo, 31 Trinity Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5A 3C4

Archeo, 31 Trinity Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5A 3C4

HV/MV underground power cables; from design to end of life.

Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/443350

[] The presentation is focused on the life cycle of high and medium voltage (HV/MV) underground power cables from the design to end of life and includes common cable designs, installations configurations, installation errors, failure modes and both: commissioning and maintenance issues. It is based on many years of experience

Antenna Modeling and Simulations in Altair Feko

Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/444953

Now-a-days antennas have become an integral and important part of almost any wireless communication system. In the field of antenna engineering, theoretical analysis is of paramount importance in understanding the basics of the antenna radiation characteristics. While the basic concept of antennas is well known, closed form, exact analytical solutions

Government Incentives in Canada

Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/445317

[] Please join us on November 21st, at 12noon for an informative virtual presentation on Government Incentives, presented by Deloitte. During the session an overview of the government incentives landscape in Canada will be provided, highlighting examples of some of the major funding programs available to businesses to support their

Detection of zeptojoule terahertz pulses for 6G technologies

Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/444952

Detection of zeptojoule terahertz pulses for 6G technologies. Abstract: We review efforts made at the Ultrafast Terahertz Lab at the University of Ottawa under the supervision of Prof. Jean-Michel Ménard and Dr. Angela Gamouras (NRC) towards demonstrating a high-sensitivity room-temperature detection scheme for terahertz (THz) radiation. This approach is based

From Intelligent Surfaces to Noise-Driven Communication: Innovative Technologies for 6G and Beyond

Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/443554

From Intelligent Surfaces to Noise-Driven Communication: Innovative Technologies for 6G and Beyond Prof. Ertuğrul Başar Koç University, Turkey – ebasar@ku.edu.tr When: November 29th 2024, 11H00 AM Quebec-Canada Local Time Where: ONLINE VIA ZOOM: https://uqtr.zoom.us/j/81521084215?pwd=bchQDndZg7DTlpVuaeag6bhGwaOvn9.1 Meeting ID : 815 2108 4215 Password : 018477 Abstract - Our community has witnessed the