Membership services include; joining the IEEE, renewing one’s membership, adding optional services, elevating one’s membership grade, and updating personal information in the IEEE member database. Today, these are all performed on-line at

Senior Membership Elevation

The IEEE Toronto Life Member Affinity Group (LMAG) has graciously agreed to help provide references and support for members who wish to apply for elevation to Senior Member grade.  To start this process, please contact Dr. Vijay Sood, our LMAG chair.

IEEE Web Accounts – as members we need to have an IEEE web account in order to log on to the IEEE membership web site and review or modify our member services profile. Web accounts are also needed to access many member-only services available on the web. If you already have an IEEE web account, make sure you keep your logon name and password handy. If you do not have an IEEE web account, you can register on-line and obtain one – just click on the graphic. It is important that we keep our logon name and password confidential so that others can not interfere with our IEEE membership records.

Renew Your IEEE Membership – we can only renew using the regular on-line process in the last few months of the calendar year and the first part of the new year – after the renewal notice is received. However, if you have moved (or for some other reason) you did not receive a renewal notice, or you forgot, you can use this link and check your membership status. If the time for on-line renewal is past, and your membership has lapsed, use the “Contact IEEE Member Services” link on the membership renewal page.

IEEE E-mail Aliases are available, by clicking on the graphic. There is no charge and is only for members (any grade) of IEEE. The two primary benefits are; (a) protection against e-mail viruses that can cause serious damage, and (b) a permanent e-mail address with a professional connotation that remains the same as you change internet service providers, employers, or where you live – you modify your alias target whenever your real e-mail address changes. Here is a usefull hint – make your return address in your email program to be your IEEE alias to expand your protection when folks respond to your reply.

Please note – while the IEEE Toronto Section (volunteers) will do their best to help you to get the most out of your IEEE membership, they can not provide individual references for employment, elevation to Senior Member grade, and other such situations where a degree of personal knowledge is required. If you need such references, you may wish to make such personal contacts over time by becoming a regular participant at our Section, Chapter, Branch, and other meetings.

Why Become a Member ?
If you are not currently a member of IEEE and you are either involved or simply interested in Electrical, Electronic, or Computer Engineering, or in the associated technologies, we invite you to consider becoming a member. Here are some of the benefits of membership:

Being an IEEE member has another benefit on a professional level – it is the pride of being part of the most prestigious technical member society in electrical and computer engineering – in the entire world. On a more personal level, it is the reward of interacting with some of the finest people there are, sharing experiences, receiving the benefit of knowing the people who know – and will share with you.