A Society Chapter is formed in the Section to create technical programs that are within the technical purview of the Society. Because the Chapter is also a unit of the Society, it has access to experts and technical content
associated with the Society. Many Societies provide technical speakers for Chapter meetings at no charge to the Chapter or the Section. Joint-chapters combine the expertise of two or more Societies.

This is most recent information recovered and not yet validated. The chapters are listed with the earliest-formed at the top of the list.

  • Power Engineering Society Chapter, PE31, founded on October 20, 1964.
    Chair Start date End date
    Robert Jeffries 1974
    Alan Huntington Jun. 30, 1975
    Gary G. Irving Jul. 1, 1975 Jun. 30, 1976
    Lauri J. Hilvala Jul. 1, 1976 Apr. 30, 1977
    Frederick G. Tomes May 1, 1977 Apr. 30, 1978
    M E Coultes May 1, 1978 Jun. 30, 1979
    G. Bonadie Jul. 1, 1979 Jun 30, 1981
    Ronald J. Bolton Jul. 1, 1981 Jun. 30, 1982
    Ronald Basso Jul. 1, 1982 Jun. 30, 1984
    William Y Hui Jul. 1, 1984 Jun. 30, 1985
    Z. Paniri Jul. 1, 1985 May 30, 1986
    Ronald J. Bolton Jun. 1, 1986 May 30, 1987
    Ronald C Mcalister Jun. 1, 1987 Jan. 31, 1989
    Shafi A Sabir (10 yrs!) Feb. 1, 1989 Dec. 31, 2000
    Vincent J Green Jan. 1, 2001 Dec. 31, 2002
    Rongliang Chen Jan. 1, 2003 present
  • Instrumentation & Measurements Society Chapter, IM09, founded on December 7, 1973.
    Chair Start date End date
    Richard Brereton 1974
    Howard G Sedding Jul. 1, 1991 Jun. 30, 1994
    Fabio J Almeida Jul. 1, 1994 Dec. 31, 1999
    Dennis Cecic Jan. 1, 2000 Jan. 1, 2004
    Florin Gagiu Jan. 1, 2004 present
  • Communications Society Chapter, COM19, founded on October 5, 1976.
    Chair Start date End date
    Walter A. Solo (EARLY ?) Jul. 1, 1975 Jun. 30, 1976
    Ross R. Keating Jul. 1, 1976 Jun. 30, 1978
    Lamberto F. Gomes Jul. 1, 1978 Jul. 31, 1984
    David H Whyte Feb. 1, 1984 Jun. 30, 1989
    Kanti K Hore Jul. 1, 1989 Jun. 30, 1995
    Javan A Erfanian Jul. 1, 1995 Dec. 31, 2000
    Steve Hranilovic Jan. 1, 2001 Oct. 4, 2003
    Alagan Anpalagan Oct 4, 2003 Dec. 31, 2005
    Xavier Fernando Jan. 1, 2006 present
  • Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Society Chapter, DEI32, founded on August 7, 1978.

    This chapter is unusual as it is a joint chapter of the Toronto, Kingston, Kitchener – Waterloo, Hamilton, and London Sections. It seems that it was meant to be a Chapter of the CCC (Central Canada Council). In fact, the only section of the CCC not mentioned in the records is the Peterborough Section, established on November 23, 1985, that is, after this chapter was founded.

    Chair Start date End date
    M. Kurtz Aug. 1, 1978 Jul. 1, 1987
    John C Chan Dec. 1, 1987 Dec. 31, 1998
    Hugh Zhu Jan. 1, 1999 Dec. 31, 2002
    Jody P Levine Jan. 1, 2003 present
  • Computer Society Chapter, C16, founded on December 7, 1981.
    Chair Start date End date
    Stephen L. Dunik (founder) Jul. 1, 1981 Jun. 30, 1985
    Michael F. F. Weitz Jul. 1, 1985 Apr. 30, 1986
    Murry C Bookman (Unverified: conflicting records ) May 1, 1986 Jul. 31, 1987
    Stephen W Vetter Jun. 1, 1987 Jun. 30, 1989
    Raed (Ray) M Milhem Jul. 1, 1993 Dec. 31, 1995
    Michael Stumm Jan. 1, 1996 Dec. 31, 2000
    Angelos Bilas Jan. 1, 2001 Dec. 31, 2001
    Robert L Hudyma Jan. 1, 2002 Dec. 31, 2002
    George V. Bailak Jan. 1, 2003 present
  • Circuits and Devices Chapter, founded on August 12, 1988.

    As a Joint Chapter of the Circuits and Systems Society, the Components Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology Society, the Electron Devices Society, and the Lasers and Electro-Optics Society.

    Chair Start date End date
    Bruno N Di Stefano (founder) Aug. 1, 1988 Jun. 30, 1989
    Jingming Xu Jul. 1, 1989 Jun. 30, 1993
    Keith Lee Jul. 1, 1994 Jun. 30, 1997
    Hope W Chik Jan. 1, 1998 Dec. 31, 1998
    Edward H Sargent Jan. 1, 1999 Dec. 31, 2000
    Emanuel Istrate Jan. 1, 2001 present
  • Engineering and Human Environment Chapter, founded in 1989

    As a chapter of the IEEE Society on Social Implications of Technology, and reorganized in August 31, 1993 as a joint chapter of the IEEE Education Society, the IEEE Engineering Management Society, the IEEE Professional Communication Society, the IEEE Reliability Society, and the IEEE Society on Social Implications of Technology.

    Chair Start date End date
    Walter Zessner (founder) 1989 Aug. 31, 1993     (as SSIT)
    Walter Zessner Aug. 31, 1993 Oct. 16, 2004     (as E&HE)
    Ed Lovrek Oct. 16, 2004 present
  • Signals and Applications Chapter, founded on May 19, 1993.

    As a joint chapter of the Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society, the Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society, the Oceanic Engineering Society, the Signal Processing Society, the Ultrasound, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control Society, and the Vehicular Technology Society.

    Chair Start date End date
    Xiang Y. Gao (founder) Nov. 1, 1993 Jun. 30, 1997
    Patrick G Gulak Jan. 1, 1997 Dec. 31, 2000
    Konstantinos N. Plataniotis Jan. 1, 2001 Dec. 31, 2002
    Michael L Mcguire Jan. 1, 2003 Oct. 4, 2003
    Sridar Krishnan Oct. 4, 2003 Aug. 11, 2005
  • Electromagnetics and Radiation Chapter, founded on June 28, 1993.

    As a joint chapter of the Microwave Theory and Techniques Society, the Antennas and Propagation Society, and the Electromagnetic Compatibility Society.

    Chair Start date End date
    Tahera E. Vandeventer (founder) Jun. 1, 1993 Dec. 31, 2000
    Ramesh Abhari Jan. 1, 2001 Oct. 4, 2003
    George Eleftheriades Oct. 4, 2003 present
  • Solid-State Circuits Society Chapter, SSC37, founded on June 8, 2000.
    Chair Start date End date
    Raymond Y.V. Chik Jun. 28, 2000
    Vasilis Papanikolaou Aug., 2007
    Dustin Dunwell Aug., 2007 present
  • Industry Application Society Chapter, founding date unknown.

    Was inactive for several years – reinstated with October 23, 2003 meeting. No prior records are available at this time.

    Chair Start date End date
    Vince Scaini Oct. 23, 2003 present
  • Computational Intelligence Society Chapter, founded on April 29, 2003.

    Bruno Di Stefano initiated this chapter as the Neural Networks Society Chapter with a meeting on April 29, 2003. In June 2003, the IEEE Board of Directors approved a change of name to the Computational Intelligence Society.

    Chair Start date End date
    Bruno Di Stefano Apr. 29, 2003 present
  • Aerospace and Electronics Systems Society Chapter, founded on May 9, 2007.

    Created as an independent chapter, splitting from the Signals and Computational Intelligence Chapter.

    Chair Start date End date
    Hassan Kojori May 9, 2007 present
  • Signal Processing Chapter, founded on August 12, 2005.
    Chair Start date End date
    Sridhar Krishnan Aug. 12, 2005 Dec. 11, 2015
    Mehrnaz Shokrollahi Dec. 11, 2015 present

Chapter History – the Work Ahead

We hope to verify our records before the celebration of our Centennial. We hope also that each society chapter web page may become a little archive of that chapter history. Please visit all our chapter pages and see if you can contribute any information, by contacting: