Occupational Health Exergames Applications

Room ENG106, Ryerson University, 350 Victoria Street, Toronto, ON

October 1, 2015 at 1:00 p.m. Dr. Alvaro Joffre Uribe Quevedo, Mechatronics Engineer from the Militar Nueva Granada University, will be presenting “Occupational Health Exergames Applications”. Speaker: Dr. Alvaro Joffre Uribe Quevedo Mechatronics Engineer from the Militar Nueva Granada University Masters and Doctoral degree in Mechanical Engineering from the State University of Campinas Postdoctoral Fellow at the Games Institute Day & Time: Thursday, October 1, 2015 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Location: Room ENG106, Ryerson University 350 Victoria Street, Toronto, Ontario M5B 2K3 Click here to see the Map – Look for ENG Organizer: Instrumentation & Measurement and Magnetics Chapters at IEEE Toronto Contact: Dr. Maryam Davoudpour: maryam.davoudpour@ieee.org Abstract: Occupational health care issues affect more than 1.7 billion around the world and counting. Health care focuses on preventive, corrective and maintainable physical activities that are subjectively monitored and poorly assessed without supervision, as the patient may not perform the activities as expected. Among many reasons, pain, lack of interest, cultural issues and even incomprehensive guides affect doing the physical activity. Didactic approaches to address such difficulties have resulted in interactive guides, videos and physical trainers doing their best. However, occupational health exercises are characterized to be very short, repetitive and mandatory, which causes demotivation and disinterred from workers. With the massif availability of affordable devices as a result of videogame evolution such as Wiimote, Kinect, etc., and open electronics and 3D printing, with 3D tools such as Blender or Unity. Tailor exergames to specific scenarios can impact both physicians and workers with engaging and competitive activities with clear goals and monitoring to quantify the physical activity. In this talk I will address the development of motion capture occupational healthcare exergames for lower and upper limb, and eye tracking, challenges, future work and trends. Biography: Dr. Alvaro is Mechatronics Engineer from the Militar Nueva Granada University, with a Masters and Doctoral degree in Mechanical Engineering from the State University of Campinas. His main fields of work are in virtual reality towards the development of applications that take advantage of immersion and interaction using game elements in training and learning scenarios. Currently Dr. Alvaro is a postdoctoral fellow at the Games Institute working with the University of Waterloo and UOIT.