Electrical Grid Educational Seminar: Distributed Generation and Introduction to Smart Grid

Galbraith Building, Room 220 - 35 St George St., Toronto, M5S 1A4

Friday, March 2nd at 6:30 p.m., Hugo Sanchez-Reategui, consultant of Alectra Utilities (formerly PowerStream Inc.), will be presenting “Electrical Grid Educational Seminar: Distributed Generation and Introduction to Smart Grid”. Day & Time: Friday, March 2, 2018 6:30 p.m. ‐ 8:30 p.m. Speaker: Hugo Sanchez-Reategui Consultant of Alectra Utilities (formerly PowerStream Inc.) Location: Galbraith Building, Room 220 35 St George St. Toronto, Ontario Canada M5S 1A4 Contact: Maryam Alsomahi Organizer: IEEE Toronto Industry Relations Committee, IEEE Toronto Power & Energy Chapter, IEEE University of Toronto Student Branch Register: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/160826 Light refreshments will be provided. Abstract: Access to electricity is a critical factor in ensuring high quality of life, economic growth, educational advancement and social development. However, often, access to electricity is taken for granted. We don’t think about the complexity of the electrical grid and the amount of impressive sophisticated engineering designs that go into it. IEEE Industrial Relations Committee is excited to be hosting a series of educational seminars that aim to give participants an insight into the planning, designing and work that go into operating the grid to make sure we have a reliable access to electricity every minute of every day. The Topic of this seminar is Distributed Generation and Introduction to Smart Grid. The objective of this seminar is to provide an overview of the current practices to connect Embedded Distributed Generators i.e. solar, wind, geothermal, etc. to the distribution grid. Also, this seminar will discuss the successes and challenges of new technological advances in the current Smart Grid. The presentation will provide: – An overview of the traditional and future power grid – A review of government initiatives around the world and in Ontario – An evaluation of the impact of distributed generators – Model distributed generators & predict the increased short circuit levels, voltage profiles change along the network – Brief overview of interconnection standards i.e. IEEE 1547 – Review of connection processes for utilities in Ontario and interconnection requirements – An introduction to Smart Grid Technologies Biography: Hugo Sanchez-Reategui has been a consultant of Alectra Utilities (formerly PowerStream Inc.) for the past 8 years confirming capacity for Embedded Distributed Generators dealing with stakeholders, developers, utilities and government agencies. Hugo is a current member of Professional Engineers of Ontario (PEO), past member and past Vice President of Public Relations of Toastmasters International (Public Speaking). He earned a Bachelor of Engineering at National University of Callao, Peru and IEEQB Program Certificate at Ryerson University in 2010. Hugo is currently the Industry Relations Committee Chair of IEEE Toronto (largest IEEE section in Canada) managing a selected group of 10 volunteers to work on hot technology topics i.e. Cyber Security, Smart Grid and other emerging technologies showing the awareness of these topics and promoting the IEEE brand as a technology leader in Canada and North America. As part of this important role, he also works on establishing partnerships with other organizations in events to add more value to IEEE membership and better opportunities to members and public. In addition, Hugo mentors undergrad students and some international engineers. His technical interests include Smart Grid Technologies, Distribution Operations, Substation Communications and Protection of Distribution Systems.