Collaborative Multi-Resource Allocation in Terrestrial-Satellite Network (TSN) Towards 6G

On Wednesday, September 30, 2020 at 9:00 a.m., Shu Fu of Chongqing University, China will present “Collaborative Multi-Resource Allocation in Terrestrial-Satellite Network (TSN) Towards 6G”. Day & Time: Wednesday, September 20, 2020 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Speaker: Shu Fu of Chongqing University, China Organizer: IEEE Toronto Vehicular Technology Chapter

IEEE VT Chapter Women in Engineering Series

On April 13, 2021 at 7:00 p.m., Dr. Fatima Hussain will present the talk “Insider Threat and Behaviour Modelling/Professional Career Development Discussions”. Date: Tuesday, April 13, 2021 Time: 7:00-8:00pm Speaker(s): Dr. Fatima Hussain, Senior Member, IEEE, Manager, Event Management and Analytics, User Behaviour Analytics and Insider Threat, Global Cyber Security,

A security-aware container-based architecture for connected vehicles


Cyberattack is a growing concern in connected vehicles because of the possibility of accessing, changing, or destroying sensitive information. On the other hand, many existing security protocols are infeasible to apply because of high resource consumption. Containers are a method of providing added security through virtualization. Advantages of containers include

Recent Advances in Converter Control Techniques for Wind Energy Conversion System


Over the last few decades wind energy has emerged as one of the fastest growing mainstream power technologies due to its low cost and environmentally friendly nature compared to conventional fossil fuel based power generation. Considering available options of state-of-the-art generator technologies in wind energy conversion system (WECS), doubly fed

Computation Offloading and Task Scheduling at Network Edge


In the 5G era, wireless networks are anticipated to provide connectivity for massive mobile devices and to enable a variety of innovative applications, which generate enormous computing service demands with diverse and stringent Quality of Service requirements. To support the emerging computing service demands, Mobile Edge Computing (MEC), as a

Intelligent and Secure Integration of Electric Vehicles into the Smart Grid


The transition to electric vehicles (EVs) is gaining momentum around the world and the major drivers for this acceleration are the rising awareness by the public for maintaining a clean environment, reducing pollutant emissions, breaking dependencies on oil, as well as tapping into cleaner sources of energies. EVs acceptance however

DL Series Talks — Connecting People/Things/Vehicles

Room: 204, Bldg: DCC (Daphne Cockwell Health Sciecnes Complex), 288 Church Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5B 2K3

After two-years’ online events, IEEE Vehicular Technology Chapter of IEEE Toronto Section, is pleased to announce our first in-person Distinguished Lecturer (DL) Series Talks on June 23, 2022, for a theme as Connecting People/Things/Vehicles. This in-person series of talks will be a great opportunity to meet and chat and exchange