Tuesday July 23rd, 2019 at 2:30 p.m. Reza Dibaj, Chair of Magnetics Chapter in the IEEE Toronto Section, will be presenting “IEEE Toronto Centennial Workshop: Distributed Machine Learning, Basic Concepts”.
Day & Time: Tuesday July 23rd, 2019
2:30 p.m. ‐ 3:30 p.m.
Speaker: Reza Dibaj
Chair of Magnetics Chapter, IEEE Toronto Section
Organizers: Magnetics Chapter, IEEE Toronto Centennial College Chapter, WIE IEEE Toronto
Location: Room B3-09
Centennial College, Progress Campus
941 Progress Ave., Toronto, Ontario, M1G 3T8
Contact: Reza Dibaj
Abstract: Machine Learning is an indispensable part of data science and there is no need to have a thorough programming background to benefit from it. Machine Learning (ML) and statistical techniques have provided a new era that enables us to convert the data to information, and transform the information into actionable knowledge. SciKit and TensorFlow are two states of the art libraries that can be used in Python and this seminar will open the gate to know their bases. The first seminar is about “Hello World!” Machine Learning program, using python language and SciKit learn library.