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Engineering Skills Gaps: “Jobs without people” and “people without jobs”

Friday, March 31, 2017 @ 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM

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Friday March 31, 2017 at 2:30 p.m. Dr. Farzad Rayegani, Associate Dean, School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Technology, will be presenting “Engineering Skills Gaps: ‘Jobs without people’ and ‘people without jobs’”.

Day & Time: Friday, March 31st, 2017
2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Speaker: Farzad Rayegani, Ph.D., P.Eng., FEC.
Associate Dean, School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Technology

Location: Room ENG 288
George Vari Centre for Computing and Engineering, Ryerson University
245 Church Street, Toronto, Ontario M5B 2K3

Contact: Dr. Maryam Davoudpour

Organizers: IEEE Toronto WIE, Magnetics, Measurement/Instrumentation-Robotics and Computer Science Department of Ryerson University

Biography: Farzad Rayegani is credited with developing an applied research program involving students, graduates and faculty mentors to address technological and educational needs of the Halton and Peel regions. Over the past 10 years, he has been simultaneously partnering with SME enterprises on product and process innovation projects while developing an applied research program involving students, graduates and faculty mentors to examine issues of product development / refinement, process automation, systems integration and manufacturing management. In the past year, this work has been bolstered by a range of successful, high-profile, federally funded projects with companies in both regions.

Under his leadership, through the Centre for Advanced Manufacturing and Design Technologies (CAMDT), Sheridan has been reaching out to a significant number of manufacturers in Brampton, Mississauga and Oakville, particularly small and medium enterprises, to support adoption and integration of efficient manufacturing practices and product innovation performance and improvements. CAMDT now supports over a dozen local and regional SMEs who are struggling with limited availability of technological, human, financial, and management resources.

Under his leadership, Sheridan College recently become a member of the CDIO Initiative – a worldwide movement to restore the balance between teaching practice skills and the fundamentals of math and science to engineering students. What started as a partnership between MIT and a few Swedish universities in 2001 has gained significant international momentum, with 103 institutions adopting the model. Sheridan is the fifth Canadian institution and the first college in the world to be accepted.

As a CDIO collaborator, Farzad is seeking to develop a new curriculum structure based on a new philosophy for engineering education. The framework educates students to Conceive, Design, Implement and Operate complex, value-added engineering products, processes and systems in a modern, team-based, global environment. He aims to develop a curriculum rich in project-based, hands-on learning, producing engineers who are “ready to engineer” when they graduate.

Farzad is ASME chair on additive manufacturing. As the committee chair, he will be leading the launch of ASME’s inaugural additive manufacturing challenge designed to give mechanical and multi-disciplinary undergraduate students around the world an opportunity to re-engineer existing products or create new designs that minimize energy consumption and/or improve energy efficiency. As chair, he will also be collaborating with ME department heads to develop educational material on behalf of ASME to benefit the educators and students.

Farzad was recently designated an Engineers Canada Fellow by Engineers Canada. This prestigious award is presented in recognition of exceptional contributions to the engineering profession in Canada.

Farzad has been a full-time professor in Sheridan’s Faculty of Applied Science and Technology since 2004. Currently, he is the associate dean of the School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering & Technology and director of the Centre for Advanced Manufacturing and Design Technologies (CAMDT).