Friday May 26, 2017 at 1:30 p.m. Dr. Sergio A. A. Freitas, Associate Professor in the Gama Engineering College (FGA) and Director of the Distance Education Center at the University of Brasilia (UnB), Brazil, will be presenting “Designing a Gamification Course for an Higher Education Audience”.
Day & Time: Friday May 26, 2017
1:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m
Speaker: Dr. Sergio A. A. Freitas
Associate Professor in the Gama Engineering College (FGA)
Director of the Distance Education Center
University of Brasilia (UnB), Brazil
Location: Ryerson University
George Vari Centre for Computing and Engineering
Room: ENG 288
245 Church Street
Toronto, Ontario M5B 2K3
Contact: Dr. Maryam Davoudpour
Organizers: IEEE Toronto (WIE, Measurement/Instrumentation-Robotics, Magnetics chapters), Computer Science Department of Ryerson University
Abstract: The gamification of activities in classrooms has become of great interest in higher education. Today’s students have a lot of experience in virtual environments and games, and researchers who have tested/used gamification in their classrooms have reported an increase in student engagement and retention.
This course presents a four step process to create a gamified course: Identifying the students’ profile (step 1) and the gamification object (step 2), creating the gamification project (step 3), and finally, implementing the gamification project (step 4).
At the end of the workshop it is expected that the participant will be able to design a basic gamified course.
Biography: Dr. Sergio A. A. Freitas is currently an Associate Professor in the Gama Engineering College (FGA) and Director of the Distance Education Center at the University of Brasilia (UnB), Brazil. He is also the coordinator of research in the FGA Software Factory Laboratory. His current research projects focus on interdisciplinary studies and applications of learning methodologies on engineering undergraduate courses, and software engineering methodologies. Prof. Freitas areas of expertise include gamification, PBL, virtual learning environments in education and training, and software engineering methodologies. Dr. Freitas has coauthored journal publications, conference articles and book chapters in the aforementioned topics, and has coordinated and participated on many projects from various funding agencies CNPq, FAP-ES, FAP-DF, Cebraspe, and Brazilian Federal Ministries.