2007Chapter Chair of the Year AwardBenjamin Mak (Engineering in Medicine and Biology Chapter)
2007Appreciation of Service AwardRon Chen, Xavier Fernando, Aleksandra Jeremic, Alex Bot
2007Exemplary Service AwardAl Wallis, Bob Hanna
2006Chapter Chair of the Year AwardSri Krishnan (Signal Processing Chapter)
2006Appreciation of Service AwardWai Tung Ng, Visda Vokhshoori
2005Chapter Chair of the Year AwardEd Lovrek (Engineering and Human Environment Chapter)
2005Appreciation of Service AwardAl Wallis, George Bailak
2005Award of AppreciationPresented to IEEE Toronto Section by Ryerson University for continuing support
2004Chapter Chair of the Year AwardEmmanuel Istrate (Circuits and Devices Chapter)
2004Engineer of the Year AwardGeorge Eleftheriades
2004Chapter Chair Emeritus of the Engineering and Human EnvironmentWalter Zessner
2004Award of ExcellencePresented to IEEE Toronto Section by Centennial College for continuing support