Year | Award | Winner |
2007 | Chapter Chair of the Year Award | Benjamin Mak (Engineering in Medicine and Biology Chapter) |
2007 | Appreciation of Service Award | Ron Chen, Xavier Fernando, Aleksandra Jeremic, Alex Bot |
2007 | Exemplary Service Award | Al Wallis, Bob Hanna |
2006 | Chapter Chair of the Year Award | Sri Krishnan (Signal Processing Chapter) |
2006 | Appreciation of Service Award | Wai Tung Ng, Visda Vokhshoori |
2005 | Chapter Chair of the Year Award | Ed Lovrek (Engineering and Human Environment Chapter) |
2005 | Appreciation of Service Award | Al Wallis, George Bailak |
2005 | Award of Appreciation | Presented to IEEE Toronto Section by Ryerson University for continuing support |
2004 | Chapter Chair of the Year Award | Emmanuel Istrate (Circuits and Devices Chapter) |
2004 | Engineer of the Year Award | George Eleftheriades |
2004 | Chapter Chair Emeritus of the Engineering and Human Environment | Walter Zessner |
2004 | Award of Excellence | Presented to IEEE Toronto Section by Centennial College for continuing support |