Dr. Ali Nabavi
Chair IEEE Toronto Section
I am happy that after a pause in our newsletter, this is the first IEEE Toronto Section newsletter in my term as the Section Chair. I extend my appreciation to the newsletter team, especially the editor, Fatima, who worked tirelessly during Covid-19 to bring this newsletter to life again. Our newsletter has improved dramatically in terms of quality and accessibility, and I invite you to explore it and send your feedback to the newsletter team in order to better meet your needs.
I want to also extend my gratitude to all the volunteers at Toronto Section who dedicate their time and efforts to provide high-quality events for our members. IEEE is my second family.
Looking Back at my IEEE Journey!
I first became involved in IEEE 1992 as a graduate student member at University of Toronto. My first volunteer position was in 1998 as a student branch counselor. In 2008, I joined IEEE Toronto section as a Vice-chair, AESS Chapter, and become the AESS Chair in 2011. In 2014, I moved to the IAS/PELS joint Chapter as the Chair. In 2016, 2018, and 2020 I joined to the Section officers as a secretary, Vice-Chair, and Chair. Since 1992, I have been a member of the PES, IAS, PELS, AESS, and CE technical societies. This experience at IEEE has shown me that there is a role and position available for everyone, and this organization has a lot to offer its members.
My vision for the Toronto section is to increase the value of IEEE membership by providing high quality service to our members in Toronto and to increase membership (all levels). I welcome you to send your ideas and requests in order to achieve these goals. IEEE Toronto Section is your home and I welcome any proposal which allows it to grow and flourish based on your needs.
The Distinguished Members section is a new addition to the newsletter, and I was asked to be the first contributor. This section is open to all of you and I encourage any IEEE member in Toronto section to contribute to future newsletters.
Together we can make great changes.