October 26th, 2015 – EPEC2015 is an opportunity for electric power and energy systems experts from industry, academia, and other interested organizations to discuss the latest developments in the field: academic and industrial research, industrial/business trends and challenges. This may include debate on the potential impact of these developments including discussions on regulatory and policy aspects. The conference provides an international forum for the presentation of peer-reviewed power and energy research and development.

Where: London, Ontario Convention Center

When: October 26th, 2015

Early Registration Fees Apply until Oct 1st
Register in tutorials now: http://epec2015.ieee.ca/tutorials/
View Conference Fees: http://epec2015.ieee.ca/registration/

Electrical Power and Energy Conference Technical Tutorials now open for Registration:

1. Power Flow Controllers

Kalyan K. Sen, Chief Technology Officer, Sen Engineering Solutions

Session features a high-level overview of various power flow controllers and their features including voltage regulating transformers, phase angle regulators, shunt inductor/capacitor, and series inductor/capacitor, and Voltage-Sourced Converters (VSC).

The presentation will be of particular interest to all utility power engineering professionals with familiarity in power engineering terminology. The audience will hear from an expert who actually designed and commissioned a number of power electronics-based FACTS controllers.

2. Developments in HVDC and FACTS for Power Transmission Grids

Ervin Spahic, Head of Future Technologies, Siemens
Jörg Dorn, Head of R&D, Technology and Innovation, Siemens

This tutorial will reveal trends in Europe related to nuclear generator phase out and Integration of renewables. Technology, theory and applications related to high voltage DC transmission and experience from actual projects in Canada and USA.

This session is for transmission system operators, grid developers, consulting companies, universities and others interested in related new technologies.

3. Microgrids Operation and Control – Theory and Practice

Amir Hajimiragha, GE Digital Energy, Grid Automation

This session will cover microgrid challenges and potential opportunities including: DC vs. AC, CERTS microgrid concept, concepts and interactions among distribution management systems (DMS), energy management systems, microgrid controllers and microgrid control, communications systems and related standards. Included is a real-world microgrid example covering: conventional system configuration, control and monitoring solutions, challenges, achievements and lessons learned.

The target audience for this session is engineers from utilities and local distribution companies, managers and policy analysts, and university graduate students.

4. Grid Security

Doug Houseman, Vice President of Innovation and Technology, EnerNex

From NERC CIP to Privacy Regulation, security is becoming a mandated item on the grid. For more than 100 years most people respected the electric grid and left it alone, feeling that it was a shared public resource that needed to be provided. Now with the advent of Cyber warfare, home grown terrorists, black mail hackers, and others the grid needs protection. Not just cyber security but physical security as well.

The target audience for this session is engineers from utilities and local distribution companies, managers and policy analysts, and university graduate students

5. Smart Fault Monitoring and Protection

Amir Mojtahed, Managing Director, Bender Canada Ltd.

This session is a comprehensive introduction to the electrical power considerations in Electrical Safety. It covers grounding, fault current, ground fault monitoring and protection systems, smart protection in grounded system (HRG and solidly) and power quality applications and solutions.

At the end of the presentation, people will have better understanding of ground faults in AC/DC systems and how to deal with these issues.

6. Smart Grid Lab

Pratap Revuru, Smart Grid Solution Architect, Schneider Electric
Bala Venkatesh, Professor and Director, Centre for Urban Energy, Ryerson University

This tutorial examines aspects of the smart distribution network and focuses on illustrating benefits of advanced distribution management system (ADMS) that provides intelligence, a layer above the conventional SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition). The tutorial also illustrates a smart grid laboratory facility built at Ryerson as a path for process that enables smart grid technologies and its use in distribution systems.

This session is designed for academic professors, researchers and students, utility engineers and administrators as well as facility managers and architects.

7. Introduction to Smart Grid and Distributed Energy Resources Standards (IEEE SCC21)

Tom Basso IEEE SCC21 and IEEE P1547 Committee Chair
Mark Siira IEEE 2030.2 Working Group Chair and IEEE P1547 Committee Vice Chair Charlie Vartanian IEEE 2030.2 Working Group Secretary and IEEE P1547 Committee Secretary and Treasurer

This session covers the IEEE Standards Coordinating Committee 21: SCC21 – “Fuel Cells, Photovoltaics, Dispersed Generation, and Energy Storage” including an Overview of standards development by SCC21, DER and Smart Grid interconnection and interoperability. A listing of IEEE 1547™ Distributed energy resources (DER) interconnection series. IEEE Std 2030™ Smart Grid Interoperability, and IEEE P2030.2.1™ Design, and operation and maintenance of Battery Energy Storage Systems.