
Dr. Saba Sedghizadeh received her Ph.D. degree from Ryerson University in Electrical and Computer Engineering with specialization in Control Systems. She is with Ryerson University since 2013 and has joined Humber College in 2021. Her research background and expertise include a broad consideration of data-driven adaptive control systems and identification, artificial intelligence, and optimization techniques. She has extensive industrial and academic experience and has been involved in several R&D projects as a consulting engineer in designing home automation systems, developing environment friendly products and technologies geared towards conservation of energy.

Dr. Sedghizadeh is currently the Chair of the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Chapter in Toronto Section, and in the past, she has served as the Vice-Chair of the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Chapter in Toronto Section. She has also served as a Technical Program Committee Member, Session Chair and Organizer of IEEE Conferences and Technical Talks. She received the IEEE Industrial Achievement Award in 2016 in recognition of her leadership and dedication to the IEEE Toronto Section. She was recipient of the 2016 Graduate Research Excellence Award at Ryerson University, and winner of the Ontario Graduate Scholarship for four consecutive years. She is an active reviewer of various IEEE and ISA publications and conferences.

Contact Information

Current Position

Chair of IEEE Toronto Instrumentation Measurement Chapter

Previous Position

Vice-Chair of IEEE Toronto Instrumentation Measurement Chapter