On Wednesday, September 9, 2020 at 11:00 a.m., Cornelis Plet of DNV GL will present “Multi-Terminal HVDC Offshore Networks: Latest European Experience in Circuit Breaker Technology”.
Day & Time: Wednesday, September 9, 2020
11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Speaker: Cornelis Plet
Organizer: IEEE Toronto/King/Kitchener-Waterloo/Hamilton/London Joint Dielectrics & Electrical Insulation Chapter
Location: Virtual – Zoom
Contact: Mohsen Zadeh
Abstract: The transmission of a growing amount of renewable energy resources, offshore wind in particular, can be implemented effectively and efficiently by multi-terminal HVDC transmission grids. Protection of these grids will require the interruption of DC fault currents. Traditional AC circuit breakers require current zero crossings to interrupt fault currents. The absence of this periodic current zero in DC systems has led to the development of DC circuit breakers, and entirely different approach towards interrupting DC short-circuit currents. This presentation will explain the basic operating principles of HVDC circuit breakers and different ways of implementing them in HVDC grids. Based on that, the testing challenges along with a description of a sample test circuit capable of performing all relevant electrical stresses in a one-circuit one-shot test will be presented. Finally, laboratory test results of three different types of HVDC circuit breakers will be presented and discussed. The presented information is a result of the work done in an EU-funded project (Progress On Meshed Offshore HVDC Transmission Networks or PROMOTioN for short – www.promotion-offshore.net) and coordinated by DNV GL as a partner.
Register: Please visit https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/236839 for more details and to register.
Biography: Cornelis Plet is a senior consultant in HVDC Technologies & Offshore Power Systems in the Power Equipment Quality team of DNV GL’s Transmission & Distribution Technology section. He is currently technical coordinator of the European Union funded ‘Progress On Meshed HVDC Offshore Transmission Grids’ (PROMOTioN). As part of PROMOTioN, he led the development and validation of a high power HVDC circuit breaker test environment. He has extensive experience in failure investigations of cables and substation equipment. He holds an MEng in electrical engineering and a Ph.D in Fault Behaviour of Power Electronics in Power Systems, both from Imperial College London.