On behalf of the 2019 organizing team of the International Conference for Upcoming Engineers (ICUE). We would like to invite you to participate in our conference to be held on March 16th and 17th, at Ryerson University.
The theme for this year’s conference is “Engineering the Future”. The conference is designed to introduce students to the professional world of engineering and also give them a platform to develop and demonstrate their engineering skills. It will feature a variety of events including Keynote, Panel Talks, Networking, Seminars, Showcase, Engineering Competition and more among industry-leading speakers discussing emerging technologies and engineering issues that will impact humanity. Planned workshops topics include connected autonomous vehicle, Design Thinking, Being a Software Developer, Best Practices by AMD, and Personal Branding to name a few. For more information regarding the conference, please visit icue2019.com.
Day & Time: March 16 – 17, 2019
Location: 245 Church St
Toronto, Ontario
Canada M5B 1Z4
Contact: Sadeed Bari
Register: http://icue2019.com