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Control of Power Electronics Systems Using Predictive Switching Sequences and Switching Transitions

Friday, October 12, 2018 @ 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

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Friday, October 12th 2018, Sudip K. Mazumder of University of Illinois at Chicago, will be presenting “Control of Power Electronics Systems Using Predictive Switching Sequences and Switching Transitions”.

Day & Time: Friday October 12th, 2018
4:00 p.m. ‐ 5:00 p.m.

Speaker: Sudip K. Mazumder
Professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago

Organizers: IEEE Toronto Power Electronics Chapter

Location: Room Number: BA 4287
Building: Bahen Centre for Information Technology
University of Toronto 40 St. George Street
Toronto, ON M5S2E4

Contact: Mahdieh Taghizadeh

RVSP: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/176071

Abstract: This presentation provides a fundamentally different perspective to the control of solid-state semiconductor-device-based switching power-electronic systems (PESs). It is based on controlling the time evolution of the feasible switching sequences and controlling the switching transitions of PESs. The former – that is, the switching-sequence-based control (SBC) – yields rapid response under transient condition, optimal equilibrium response, and yields seamless transition between the two dynamical modes. Further, by enabling integration of modulation and control, SBC precludes the need for ad-hoc offline modulation synthesis. In other words, an optimal switching sequence for a PES is generated dynamically without the need for prior determination of a modulation scheme (which generates a pre-determined switching sequence) as evident in most conventional approaches. This presentation will provide the mechanism to carry out SBC synthesis and how it leads to multi-scale optimality leading to enhanced PES performance. Subsequent to the outline of SBC, the presentation will focus on switching-transition control (STC). The primary objective of STC is to demonstrate how key PES parameters including and stress, switching loss, electromagnetic noise emission can be controlled dynamically by modulating the dynamics of the power semiconductor devices. Both electrical and newly developed optical-control mechanisms to achieve STC will be briefly outlined. Finally, envisioned mechanism for monolithic integration of SBC and STC will be illustrated. This presentation will demonstrate, along with results, multiple practical applications (currently of high priority in the power/energy space) where the radically new control concepts make a tangible and substantive difference.

Biography: Sudip K. Mazumder received his Ph.D. degree from Virginia Tech in 2001. He is a Professor and the Director of Laboratory for Energy and Switching-Electronics Systems in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Illinois at Chicago. He also serves as the President of the small business NextWatt LLC. He has over 25 years of professional experience and has held R&D and design positions in leading industrial organizations and has served as a Technical Consultant for several industries. His current areas of interests are switching-sequence and switching-transition based control of power-electronics systems and interactive-power networks; power electronics for renewable energy, micro/smart grids, energy storage; wide-bandgap (GaN/SiC) power electronics; and optically-triggered wide-bandgap power semiconductor devices. His research has attracted about 50 sponsored-research projects from leading federal agencies and industries, and yielded over 210 peer-reviewed publications in prestigious tier-one international journals and conferences, 10 patents, 10 book chapters and 1 book, and 88 invited/plenary/keynote lectures and presentations. He has guided/guiding 11 post-doctoral researchers and 16 Ph.D. and 11 M.S. students. He is the recipient of University of Illinois at Chicago’s Inventor of the Year Award (2014), University of Illinois’ University Scholar Award – university’s highest award (2013), IEEE International Future Energy Challenge Award (2005), ONR Young Investigator Award (2005), NSF CAREER Award (2003), and IEEE PELS Transaction Paper Award (2002). In 2016, he was elevated to the rank of an IEEE Fellow and he was invited to serve as a Distinguished Lecturer for IEEE PELS beginning in 2016. He served/serving as the Guest Editor-in-Chief/Editor for IEEE PELS/IES Transactions between 2013-2014 and 2016-2017, as the first Editor-in-Chief for Advances in Power Electronics (2006-2009), and as an Associate Editor for IEEE IES/PELS/TAES/TII/JESTPE Transactions (2003-/2009-/2008-/2016-/2016-). Currently, he serves as the Chair for IEEE PELS TC on Sustainable Energy Systems. He is also the incoming (starting 2019) Editor-at-Large for IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. He is the Chair for IEEE PEDG’21, the TPC Chair for IEEE DEAS’19, and the Tutorial Chair for ECCE’19.