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A.I. is a half-truth without H.I.! POVAR and other examples of the Internet of Truth and Integrity for Consumer Electronics: See the invisible waves that see you!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015 @ 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Event Category:

Wednesday December 2, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. Steve Mann, University of Toronto Professor and Chief Scientist at the Creative Destruction Lab at Rotman’s School of Management, will be presenting “A.I. is a half-truth without H.I.! POVAR and other examples of the Internet of Truth and Integrity for Consumer Electronics: See the invisible waves that see you!”.

Speaker: Steve Mann
Professor in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Departments
University of Toronto
Chief Scientist at the Creative Destruction Lab
Rotman’s School of Management

Day & Time: Wednesday, December 2, 2015
6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Location: Room WI1017, Wilson Hall – New College
40 Willcocks St, Toronto, ON M5S
Building Map Link

Registration: Please register at https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/ai-is-a-half-truth-without-hi-povar-and-other-examples-of-the-internet-of-truth-and-integrity-for-tickets-19671375614

Contact: nabavi@ieee.org

To read the full presentation abstract see: http://wearcam.org/ConsumerElectronicsDec02.htm

For more details on the guest speaker see: http://wearcam.org/bio.htm

Abstract: Today’s technological advancements in Artifical Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things That Think (IoT and TTT) are rapidly changing the way consumers interact with technology. Gone are the days of open source and open box consumer electronics and in their place we are left with proprietary devices that are difficult to understand and copy. Steve suggests there are two major problems with this new technological way: (1) discouragement of the scientific method and (2) increased personal risk. These problems have led to a world where humans don’t realize the risks they face as they are unable to understand the fundamentals of their technology. Join us as Steve introduces a number of new concepts that will shed light on the technology we use in daily life.

Biography: Steve Mann is widely regarded for his work on computation photography, particularly for wearable computing and high dynamic range imaging. As an inventor and visionary, his work established Toronto as the world’s epicenter of wearable technologies in the 1980s and led him to found MIT Media Lab’s Wearable Computing project. Steve received his PhD from MIT in 1997 and then returned to Toronto in 1998 where he is now a tenured full professor at the University of Toronto in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science departments. During his early years at University of Toronto, he created the world’s first Mobile Apps Lab (1999) as a part of his wearable computing and AR course. He is also the Chief Scientist at the Creative Destruction Lab at Rotman’s School of Management. Mann holds multiple patents, and has contributed to the founding of numerous companies including InteraXON, makers of Muse.