Life Members

IEEE Life Members are IEEE members (all grades) who have reached 65 years of age and whose age plus years of IEEE membership equals or exceeds 100 on January 1. The Toronto Section Life Member Chapter includes all IEEE life members who are part of this section. The chapter executive are listed below, with their contact information (e-mail or telephone).

LM News

March 2022: Erich Weidenhammer (, from the Institute for the History & Philosophy of Science & Technology would like to hear from members who used Mirror or other types of Galvanometers. Please contact Erich if you used one of these in your career sometme. Erich is also Curator of the rather sizable U of T Scientific Instrument Collection which includes many early electrical marvels ( Thanks!

Sept. 2020:
1. At the meeting held on the 12 Sept 2020 of the LMAG group, the following Executive Members were appointed for 2020. There are some vacancies, if you wish to join.

2. The LMAG provides logistic support for any member wishing to upgrade to Senior Member status. Please contact the Chair for assistance.

3. Only Online meetings are planned for the near future due to COVID19. You will be notified electronically about the next meeting. If you have topics for presentation, please contact the Chair.

LM Newsletter Current Issue and Archive
More Information Links and Information – Heart and Strokes [PDF]
Upcoming Events
  Next event not yet scheduled
Past Events († indicates event photos added)
May 21, 2008 Toronto Hydro’s Conservation Demand Management Initiatives 
Talk and feedback session
Sep 21, 2007 Nikola Tesla: The Genius Who Invented the 20th Century
registration required
May 17, 2007 Tour of the Ontario Science Centre
October 19, 2006 Tour of Pearson Airport Engineering
March 21, 2006 Tour of the Independent Electricity System Operator
May 5, 2005 Tour of the Trillium Hospital (Mississauga Site) Cardiac Department
April 21, 2005 Nuclear Power Generation � Where are we going?
April 20, 2004 Using the Internet to Access IEEE Services , meeting report[PDF]
October 4, 2003 IEEE Toronto Centennial Banquet Meeting
April 23, 2003 Cancelled (SARS concerns)
October 30, 2002 Inaugural Luncheon Meeting
Affinity Group Executives  
Chair Vijay Sood,
Vice-Chair Magdi Ishac,
Past-Chair Wallas
Secretary Satish
Treasurer Edmund Baumann,
Member at Large Ravi Seethapathy,
History Vacant
Energy Policy Vacant
School Outreach Vacant
Internet Assistance Vacant

Please click on the activity links above for more information about our planned activities, and contact the appropriate activity chair if you would like to become involved.