Wednesday January 23rd, 2019 at 4:30 p.m. IEEE Toronto Computer Chapter is hosting a “R&D Essentials for Technology Companies” event.

Day & Time: Wednesday January 23rd, 2019
4:30 p.m. ‐ 7:30 p.m.

Organizers: Computer Chapter, IEEE Toronto

Location: Bay Adelaide Centre (KPMGLLP)
333 Bay Street, Suite 4600
Toronto, ON M5H 4G3

Contact: Dennis Cecic, P. Eng., SMIEEE
Chair, IEEE Computer Society (Toronto Chapter)

Dennis Woo, P. Eng., SMIEEE, FEC
Senior Manager, Tax Incentives Practice, KPMG LLP

Register: RSVP is required for this event:

Abstract: Does your business create or improve technologies?

Development of technology is costly and risky. You will want to know about the available bank services, government funding programs and how to protect your intellectual property.

Join us for an afternoon conversation on the following topics:

– Bank services designed to support technology companies.
– Government programs (e.g. SR&ED and IRAP) to support businesses conducting R&D.
– Intellectual property, trademarks and patents.

Experienced professionals from KPMG LLP, Prima IP, Royal Bank, and InvestOntario will present and answer your questions on these topics. Space is limited. Light refreshments will be served.